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Virtual Learning and MOCAP at Sherwood

The Sherwood Cass R-VIII School District provides opportunities for virtual learning opportunities. Sherwood Schools have partnered with the Springfield Launch program for the majority of the online courses that are being offered for Middle School and High School students. Springfield Launch is part of the Springfield School District in Springfield, Missouri. It is staffed by Missouri teachers, and all courses are vetted to ensure alignment with the Missouri Learning Standards. You may learn more about Springfield Launch by visiting their website. Springfield Launch is an approved provider in the MOCAP program (link is below).

For elementary students, Sherwood has partnered with Raymore-Peculiar School District through their VIPR program.  Like Launch, it is staffed by Missouri teachers, and courses are aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards.

Sherwood Schools also offers additional courses through Edgenuity as well. Edgenuity provides content that is monitored by Sherwood teachers and staff as the student progress through the course. We use these two programs to offer a variety of courses to meet the needs of our students. Edgenuity is also used by our alternative program for high school students who are seeking to complete graduation via the MO Options program and taking the HiSET assessment. 

Students who are interested in taking courses virtually must:

  1. Meet eligibility requirements
  2. Obtain approval for enrollment in accordance with Board Policy
  3. Ensure taking online courses does not exceed full-time enrollment in the district.

To be eligible, a student must:

  1. Reside in and enroll in the district on a full-time basis.
  2. Have attended a public school or charter school for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in virtual courses, and
  3. Have his/her enrollment approved by the principal

Students interested in enrolling in virtual courses should consult with the school building's counselor and/or principal for more information.

The district is not obligated to provide any additional resources for students to take virtual courses.

Students may be denied the opportunity to take an online course if it is not in the student's best educational interest. Reasons for denying a request may include, but are not limited to: a lack of time-management skills by the student, a pattern of repeatedly not completing assignments and/or coursework, the student has previously attempted a virtual course and struggled or failed the class, the course is not aligned to the student's individual career and academic plan, and other possible reasons not listed here.

All Board Policies are available through the school district website, or you may access the Virtual Courses Policy by CLICKING HERE.

Sherwood School District participates in Virtual Learning as part of MOCAP. Anyone wishing for more information on MOCAP may CLICK HERE.


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